I've had a... ahem... difficult past week. Monday was a rough day and my energy level never did recover, in addition I was on the Terry Fox Run committee, and that ran (smoothly and successfully) on Thursday despite some drizzle (I can't wait to find my camera cord, so many photos of cute kids to share!) Have never been so exhausted as I was this past Thursday and Friday, feeling pretty sluggish and down trodden to say the least. However, a new friend and coworker came to my aid - gave me some great advice and I was able to end the week on a high note. I am learning so much day-to-day about what it means to be a teacher, what type of teacher I want to be, how much of myself I have to give these kids while also learning my own limitations. Friday's school day really showed me the difference between being angry and being strict. I got a lot further on Friday with the latter.
This weekend has been really great, despite some terrible homesickness (I missed Head of the Trent, again!). Did some yoga and went for a nice run around the dike, started a new book (100 Shades of Grey) and watched a few movies (if you haven't seen ZombieLand, do it!) I just got back from what was supposed to be a hunt, but turned into more of a really really nice 4 hour hike with five of us girls. It must be one of the most beautiful days since coming here and it landed on a Sunday - couldn't be more perfect. We took a path - what will eventually be the "Winter Road" - upstream towards the Albany, cameras, guns and granola bars at the ready. Reminded me of the Otonabee and the Mill Pond in the fall. This is by far my most favorite time of year. The colours are beautiful, the air is cool, its not too cold or hot. I love wearing jeans and sweaters. The wind here is strong but smells so fresh.
I've never shot a real gun before! One of the girls brought along a few shot guns, and while we didn't come across too many animals to shoot - our laughing could probably be heard for miles - that didn't stop us from firing a few rounds into the sea and sky! The volume and kickback on the gun was insane - I'm sure there will be a few videos on facebook within the next few hours starring me, attempting to control the freaking firearm. So while we didn't hit much (err.. or anything...) we do look pretty badass, anyway.
Never cut your hair! Love Mom